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Emmanuel Assembly of God - A Caring Family Church that connects people to the love of Jesus

01 Jan 1970 07:30am - 01 Jan 1970 07:30am

Bulletin Message


This weekend we set aside time to honour and appreciate you who serve in our church. We are grateful for your time, effort and energies spent, ensuring people of the church are blessed, ministry is provided and people are connected to the love of Jesus. I am again reminded that the church is not our buildings and facilities, we are the Church. So without people, and especially without the people who serve each week ministries don’t get done. On behalf of the pastors and staff of the church, we salute you, honour you, and we do appreciate all you do and give of to the church. Thank you! 

Love Serves, our theme for this year’s appreciation, points us back to Jesus and His example in serving. In John 13:1-5 (NLT) tell us about the hours before Jesus is taken away and eventually crucified. It is a powerful depiction of love and service and I pray it motivates us today. Imagine if you knew you had a couple of hours left before you were to be betrayed, handed over to the authorities, falsely accused, then sentenced to death; how would you spend these last few hours? Jesus knowing all of these, chooses to spend time with His closest friends. He loved them while they served together and John writes, He loved them to the very end. I want to live like that, loving people to the end, and to follow in Jesus’ example. 

Furthermore, He demonstrated humility, love and what it means to be a servant – He washed their feet. In the day and age we live in,
society’s idea of “love” can often revolve around what WE can get out of it or how WE are being treated. In this account, Jesus flips that notion around. He demonstrates that to truly love another is to actually serve them.

Love Serves and today we want to honour, acknowledge and specially thank all of you who serve and who make this community great to be a part of. 1 Thessalonians 5 (NIV) says this, 
“Now we ask you, brothers and sisters, to acknowledge those who work hard among you, who care for you in the Lord and who admonish you. Hold them in the highest regard in love because of their work. Live in peace with each other.”

Again we take a moment to acknowledge you who serve and we thank you! God Bless!

With love,

Pastor Jireh Ang

Get Involved

Feel a calling to serve? Or do you simply want to put your faith into action!? Well, you can start right here at Emmanuel.


To learn more about how you can serve in the House of God, or to sign up, you can do so through https://tinyurl.com/Esvolunteersignup!

Join The Emmanuel Family

Emmanuel Assembly of God is a family church that connects people with the love of God. We believe in the Great Commission and are dedicated to lives being transformed by the love of God.

We are inviting you to be a part of our team of passionate individuals whose guiding principle is to put Jesus and His people at the heart of all that we do.

To find out more about full-time positions here at Emmanuel, you can do so via this link: https://emmanuel.org.sg/join-us

We look forward to welcoming you!

Tithes and Offering

Giving is now made easier with 3 different ways you can give your tithes and offering!

1. SGQR Codes
How to give your tithes and offering using SGQR codes?

  • PICK and launch your preferred payment app, point your phone at the selected QR Code
  • SCAN the QR code and check that the party you are paying to is correct
  • ENTER the amount that you would like to give for your tithes and offering



 2. Electronic giving via iBanking.
E-giving offers convenience and even allows you to set up automatic recurring contributions at a fixed date. 

Here is the information for the different accounts we have:

Internet Banking/ATM Transfers

Tithes & Offering
A/C: Emmanuel Assembly of God
UOB Current A/C: 912-343-429-0

A/C: Emmanuel Assembly of God - Missions
UOB Current A/C: 451-305-854-8

A/C: Emmanuel Assembly of God - Building
UOB Current A/C: 451-305-856-4

Other Bank Details
Bank Name: United Overseas Bank Limited
Bank Address: 80 Raffles Place UOB Plaza, Singapore 048624
Bank Code: 7375

3. Cheques
Please mail your cheques to us at this address:

Emmanuel Assembly of God
165 Upper East Coast Road
Singapore 455266

Follow us!


We post daily on our Socials so do continue to keep up with us and stay connected AS ONE!

Upper East Coast
Facebook: Emmanuel Assembly of God, Singapore
Instagram: @emmanuelagsg

Everitt Road North
Facebook: Emmanuel@Everitt
Instagram: @25everitt

Mondays: #prayermatters 60 seconds to pray together as an Emmanuel family
Tuesdays:  Family Altar Reflections
Wednesdays:  Sermon features
Thursdays: Pastoral Exhortations
Fridays:   #PTLs or Emmanuel specials

For the testimony of Christ is the spirit of prophecy   (Revelation 19:10b)  #PTLs (testimonies) to Praise The Lord declare victory over all our situations and give courage to one another to build our faith.. If you have any testimony to share, please contact us on 64455566 or email us at cmd@emmanuel.org.sg!

鼓励大家透过我们官方网站 , 面子书(Facebook) 与 Instagram 与我们联系

面子书 (Facebook): 神召会以马内利堂 
Instagram: @emmanuelagsg

面子书 (Facebook): 以马内利 @艾弗烈
Instagram: @25everitt 


每逢星期一、三、五: 灵修资料
星期三:~居家代祷 , 以马内利家人们一同祈祷 ~居家运动


让我们宣告在基督里我们已得胜,我们可以放胆建立我们的信仰。如果您有任何见证想要分享 ,请通过64455566,或通过 cmd@emmanuel.org.sg 与我们联系!


Church Car Decal

All new members / regular attendants who drive and do not have a church car decal are encouraged to apply for one. This is to help our car park wardens and LTA enforcement officers in identifying cars belonging to Emmanuel members. You may apply through the Church Office at 64455566.